
Showing posts from January, 2009

The relation between CRP, inflammation & heart disease & importance of EXERCISE:

A recent story in The New York Times revealed the “newly discovered” importance of C-reactive protein (CRP). Apparently, a drug company-sponsored study showed that people who had high CRP levels had fewer heart attacks and strokes when taking statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs). However statins increase risk of heart disease by robbing you of the heart critical nutrient CoQ10. CRP level is important. CRP measures inflammation in your body. Inflammation is the real cause of heart disease. Tests that can measure CRP to detect heart disease & this test is recommended annually. Healthy people have less than one unit. Four units or above can indicate heart disease. Inflammation comes from stress or damage to your blood vessels when they don’t get the nutrients they need. They can get cracked and weak, and the body responds by sending plaque to repair the damage. Continuous lack of nutrients can cause this plaque to build up – leading to heart attack or stroke. One may not really need s...

Sportsmedicine: The pain game

sports medicine evolution: Sportsmedicine as an apparent subclass of medicine has developed apace over the past 30 years. Its recent trajectory has been evidenced by the emergence of specialist international research journals, standard texts, annual conferences, academic appointments, and postgraduate courses. A major advance in this emerging field is the ability to appropriately diagnose and treat sports-related injuries and to develop ongoing research related to better diagnosis and more effective treatment of pain and tissue healing. This approach will ultimately impact return-to-play performance. It is noteworthy that sportsmedicine physicians recognize the athlete and the entire rehabilitation team as being a special breed that is determined and progressive in their thinking. It is not sufficient to deprive them of the very thing that motivates their lives by simply saying "Stop what you are doing and the pain will go away." Instead, our challenge is to diagnose and find...

Poor Cycling Technique and Myofascial Low Back Pain

This following article is taken from the following source.............. Green B, Johnson C, Maloney A. Effects of Altering Cycling Technique on Gluteus Medius Syndrome. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Feb. 1999;22(2), pp108-13. Reprints: Tel: (800) 325-4177, ext 4350; Fax: (314) 432-1380 This study was inspired by a 24-year-old male chiropractic patient's report that he was experiencing numbness and tickling in a small region of his upper right buttock. His chiropractor noted that the condition had developed in the few days since the man's most recent bimonthly adjustment. A physical exam and close scrutiny of the patient’s history revealed that the complaint was probably gluteus medius syndrome (GMS) resulting from the man’s activities as an amateur cyclist.Because overuse hip injuries are rare in cycling, the authors found little research documenting such cases. Although this paper reports only a single-case study, it offers detailed and specific find...

Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR)- the New treatment of OA

The root cause of osteoarthritis is wear out of “cartilage”. If this cartilage is regenerated to its original healthy amount, no more pain in the knees – a permanent, one-time cure for osteoarthritis. Recently a device called Cytotron has been developed to produce the afore said effect. The technology Cytotron uses is Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR) is used to stimulate the growth of cartilage cells in the knee, so the root cause of arthritis is gone It is claimed that: 1. It is highly successful, (RFQMR is a patented technology) 2. It is totally non-invasive but it is highly desirable alternative to knee replacement surgery. 3. There is no pain, no medicines and no side effects of application of this machine. 4. It is claimed that in 21 day treatment and the patient can be walking without pain in 60 days. 5. It is claimed that it enables natural growth of cartilage, as against placement of a foreign substance in the body, which is done during a knee replace...

Correctly Identifying Causes of Leg Pain

This following article is taken from work of following authors: Korkola M, Amendola A. Exercise-induced leg pain. The Physician and Sportsmedicine June 2001:29(6). Available at . "Shin splints," a form of exercise-related leg pain, may account for up to 60% of leg pain syndromes, but this term has too often been used to describe leg pain caused by multiple disorders.The multiple causes of exertional leg pain are difficult to discern as the source of the problem, but in many cases are associated with repetitive stress.The authors of this review of the literature prefer to name exercise-related painful symptoms in the leg as "exercise-induced leg pain" until a clear diagnosis is made. Through appropriate physical examination and other procedures, such as diagnostic imaging or nerve conduction velocity tests, the doctor can arrive at an appropriate diagnosis. This paper provides an overview of several common leg complaints related to exercise. S...

Sciatica Indicates Sevirity of LBA

Following article is Extracted from paper of folowing author(s): Selim AJ, Ren XS, et al. The importance of radiating leg pain in assessing health outcomes among patients with low back pain. Results from the Veterans Health Study. Spine, Feb. 1998;23(4), pp470-74. Patients with sciatica may suffer significantly more disability than patients with lower-back pain alone. For this reason, evidence of nerve root irritation should be taken into account in the assessment of patients with low-back pain. Four hundred twenty-eight patients were studied to determine a method of categorizing patients with low-back pain, by combining patient reports of radiating leg pain with the results of straight-leg-raising tests. Results demonstrated that this method worked well in identifying patients with different levels of low-back-pain intensity. Patients were placed into four groups: 1) report of low-back pain alone; 2) report of low-back pain radiating into the thigh; 3) report of low-back pain radiat...

Straight Leg Raise ROM Explained in Mechanical Terms

The following article is taken from Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, June 1998;30(6), pp928-32, 1998 (Vol. 01, Issue 06) SLR: Musculoskeletal flexibility is typically characterized by maximum range of motion (ROM) in a joint or series of joints. Resistance to passive stretch in the mid-range of motion is a function of passive mechanical restraints. However, an active contractile response may contribute to resistance at terminal ROM. This study investigated whether maximum straight leg raise (SLR) ROM is limited by passive mechanical forces, or stretch-induced contractile responses to stretch. An instrumented hip flexion stretch was applied to the right leg of 16 subjects, ending at the point of discomfort. Torque was measured with a load cell attached to the ankle. An electrogoniometer was placed on the hip, and the knee was braced in extension. Surface electrodes were placed over the rectus and biceps femoris muscles. Straight-leg ROM was positively related to total e...

For patients who are following this blog.

There are three main types of exercises to include in a basic exercise program: Range-of-motion exercises - These lessen stiffness and help with improving flexibility. "Range of motion" refers to the area within which the joints move naturally or on a daily basis. Although these range-of-motion exercises can be performed every day, it is recommended that they be done at least every other day. Strengthening exercises – There are two types of strengthening exercises; isometric or tightening the muscles without moving the joints, and isotonic, moving of the joints for strengthening muscle movements. It is recommended to do these sets of exercises every other day, unless you are suffering from more than mild joint pain or swelling. Endurance exercises – The objective of these is to increase stamina. They also help with improving your inner personal / mental strength and with improving weight control and sleep. Some of the most popular endurance exercises are stationary bike ri...

Regular Exercise Promotes Wound Healing in Elderly Patients

This following research belongs to : Emery CF, Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Glaser R, et al. Exercise accelerates wound healing among healthy older adults: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 2005;60A(11)1432-1436. As adults age, the body's ability to heal in a timely fashion decreases, which increases the risk of infection. Certain health behaviors appear to have an effect on wound healing and immune function. This is especially true of physical exercise, which has been shown to improve both immune and endocrine function, and to reduce the effects of psychological stress (which itself has been shown to influence wound healing).To determine the effects of fitness and exercise on wound healing and neuroendocrine function, scientists recruited 28 sedentary older adults (average age: 61.0 years) into an exercise group and a control group. Subjects in both groups received a small puncture wound on the back of the upper arm. One month before the wound procedure,...

Know why many people complain lower extremity symptoms when CPA to cervical spine is administered

Discovery of Dural Attachments in the Cervical Spine: The cervical spine is stabilized posteriorly by the ligamentum nuchae and other ligaments. While previous research has described the ligamentum nuchae in general terms. A study (byMitchell BS, Humphreys BK, O'Sullivan E) attempted to describe more detailed attachments to the cervical posterior spinal dura and to posterolateral parts of the occipital bone. 10 cadavers were sectioned to reveal the ligamentum nuchae and its connection to the cervical posterior spinal dura, allowing for particular attention and reference to the deep aspects of the suboccipital triangle and upper cervical region. In the midline between the first and second cervical vertebrae, researchers found a fibroelastic ligamentous attachment to the cervical posterior spinal dura derived from the ligamentum nuchae. As the ligamentum passed cranially, part of it passed bilaterally to the posterior aspect of the base of the occipital bone, as far superiorly as the...

The Causes of Posterior Knee Pain

This following article is useful for both seasoned and new physios..... Because pain in the posterior knee is relatively uncommon, its cause is often difficult to surmise. Among several of the known causes of posterior knee pain, and attempts to provide practitioners with a list of potential disorders and tips to consider when conducting a physical exam. The importance of obtaining a good history to elicit information leading to appropriate diagnosis can not be overemphasized. Of particular note is the determination of the precise location of the patient's discomfort within the posterior knee. Clinicians should try to isolate the location of pain as being in the posteriolateral aspect, medial aspect or center of the posterior knee. Also critical is the knowledge of whether the pain truly arises from the posterior knee, or whether it is being referred from a more distant source. Among the major disorders that elicit posterior knee pain: *injuries to support structures and tumors, su...

cervical pillow

Cervical pillows support your head in a proper sleeping position to provide relief, especially in the neck. Our two most popular pillow types are foam and fiber. Which you choose is a matter of personal preference. Foam pillows feature a support lobe for targeted cervical support, which is best if you sleep on your back. For additional support, choose a foam pillow with a core in the lobe. If you tend to sleep on your side, fiber pillows offer better support. Fiber pillows also look and feel more like traditional pillows.

IR Saunas

STORY OF THE AGE-OLD SAUNA T he sauna has existed in a variety forms for thousands of years, most notably in the ancient country of Finland, which gave us the word "sauna". Well-known too are the sweat-lodges of Native North Americans. Other cultures knew the relief of exposing the body to periods of elevated heat, as in steam-baths or hotsprings. The sauna's purpose, as a cleansing and relaxing enclosure, has not changed much over time, but advances in technologies can give convenient new ways to enjoy the warmth of the sauna. WHAT IS FAR INFRARED? T he sun is our principal source of infrared heat. As the sun's rays hit the surface of the earth, the heat we perceive is in fact Far Infrared waves. Infrared heat is essential for all life. When you lie on the beach you are soaking up infrared heat. Unfortunately you are also receiving direct damaging ultra-violet rays. FIR heat provides the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of sol...

FIR- far infrared radiation

What the Researchers say about FIR Far Infrared energy is not only safe, but highly beneficial for our bodies. Far Infrared lamps are actively used for medical treatments by doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, and massage therapists for arthritis, joints pain, stiff muscles, injuries to tendons and ligaments to promote a faster self body healing effect. Infrared heat is "radiant" heat. Radiant heat is simply a form of energy that heats objects directly through a process called conversion, without having to heat the air in between.Radiant heat is also called Infrared Energy. The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum cannot be seen, but can be perceived as heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our atmosphere has a "window" in it that allows infrared engergy rays in the 7 ~ 14 micron range to safely reach the earth's surface. When warmed, the earth radiates infrared rays in t...

Destination CANADA for PTs

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Obesity genetics

Happy New Year to all of you. May your mantra of this year be "fitness". A bout me; i have completed the book i was writing last year on obesity. Hence i find the right oppertunity to write the first blog to be on obesity this year. Here it is This following topic reviews gene-behavior interactions i.e. gene-diet + gene-physical activity interactions The genetics of human body fat content (obesity) are clearly complex. Genetic and physiological analysis of rodents have helped enormously in pointing to critical molecules and cells in central nervous system and "peripheral" pathways mediating the requisite fine control over the defense of body fat (3). A vast body of research exists to demonstrate that obesity is a complex disorder with a strong genetic basis and a multifactorial etiology. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence that genes play an important role in the development of obesity, many people argue that the increasing prevalence of obesity is simply due to...