Manage LBA & SIJ pain by Hip intervention
Crucial role of hip in Hip-spine syndrome Cervical & dorsal spine can produce lumbar spine pain along with lower extremity pain that may mimic sciatica. Similarly muscle imbalances & hip capsular problems may produce SI joint & lumbar spine pain with radiating symptoms in the lower extremity. In the following article we are trying to focus on hip producing spine & SI joint problems producing radiating & non-radiating symptoms. Concomitant presence of hip & spine problem named hip-spine syndrome is reported in medical literature but amount of research in this area is scanty. As relates to physiotherapy it becomes difficult to chuck out action plan as every bit of physical intervention must be directed to exact tissue at fault. What causes what, hip gives rise to spine fault or vice versa is yet to be concretely ascertained. Burns SA et al (2) found joint mobilization/manipulation and strengthening exercises directed at the hip alleviates both hip & lu...