Exercise Facts on metabolism & physiological systems

• The role of physical activity in type 2 diabetes prevention is well established. (DPS, DPP)
• Physical activity improves glycaemic control but has no significant effect upon body mass index. (Boule et al, JAMA 2001)
• Physical activity has beneficial effects upon cardiorespiratory fitness. (Boule et al, Diabetologia 2003)
• > 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most (preferably all) days of the week. (ACSM)
• To maintain long-term weight loss, studies suggest that more exercise (60-75 mins/day) is needed (Di Loreto, Diabetes Care 2005)
• Post-intervention A1c lower in exercise groups compared with control groups (weighted mean difference –0.66%)
• No difference in body weight (weighted mean difference 0.54kg) (Boule et al, Diabetes Care 2003)


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