Load transmission during lumbosacral SMT.

Benefits to patients with low back pain from manipulation have been reported. Little is known about how the loads that are applied affect the spine. Studies of isolated forces applied during HVLA (high-velocity and low-amplitude) procedures in controlled conditions reveal force ranges from 20 N to 550 N at rates up to 7101 N/sec. Vertebral motions arising from these forces have been estimated to be up to 0.1 cm and 1.8 degrees.
But complex loads that pass from common lumbar procedures through the spine have not been studied. A group of researchers did an in vivo biomechanical study of three separate manipulation procedures administered in random order. A biomechanical computer model estimated the loads passing through the spine at the level of interest. At last the difference in loading effects from manipulation was contrasted for all six degrees of freedom based on treatment method.
Results showed:
1. Muscular response during the procedures was negligible and did not enter into the estimates of loads transmitted through the spine.
2. There was statistically significant difference found between components load transmission in post-manipulative posture than initial posture (pre-manipulative).
3. Effects on the spine on both sexes ware estimated to be of sufficient strength to sustain them.
4. None of the volunteers who have undergone HVLA experienced any discomfort or complications as a result of the tests.


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