Complete Decongestive Therapy

A protocol of complete decongestive therapy (CDT) involves manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), compression garments, skin care, and remedial exercises. Karadibak D et (2008) evaluated the effects of kinesiophobia, quality of life, and home exercise programs on women with upper extremity lymphedema (published in journal of surgical Onchology, 2008).
The women were taken to a 12-week therapy program once per day, 3 days per week. A home program, consisting of compression bandage exercises, skin care and walking was recommended. Absolute volume and percentage of volume of the lymphedema were compared before and after treatment. The kinesiophobia, quality of life, and home-based program were assessed before and after physiotherapy.
In upper extremity lymphedema, the use of complex physiotherapy programs (CDP) can decrease edema and fear of activity, and increase the quality of life.


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