Lateral scapular slide test- is it reliable ?

Abnormal scapular displacements during arm elevation have been observed in people with shoulder impingement syndrome. These abnormal scapular displacements were evaluated using different methods and instruments allowing a 3-dimensional representation of the scapular kinematics.
The Lateral Scapular Slide Test (LSST) is used to determine scapular position with the arm abducted 0, 45, and 90 degrees in the coronal plane. Lateral scapular slide test (LSST) quantitatively measures the distance between thoracic spine (T7) and inferior angle of scapula.
Assessment of scapular position is based on the derived difference measurement of bilateral scapular distances.
Reliability measurements of lateral scapular slide test at three different degrees of shoulder joint abduction.
Study claiming the LSST as a valid & reliable test procedure:

According to
Roy JS et al (2007) The estimation of three-dimensional scapular attitudes using the method of calculation relative to the trunk is reproducible in the three arm positions evaluated and can be used to document the scapular behavior.
Study refuting the LSST as a valid & reliable test procedure:

1. According to a study by
Shadmehr A et al (2008) LSST did not show a consistent high reliability. The diagnostic accuracy of the LSST was low, which questions the clinical importance of the tests outcomes.

2. According to
Odom CJ et al (2001) measurements of scapular positioning based on the difference in side-to-side scapular distance measures are not reliable.

Furthermore, the results suggest that sensitivity and specificity of the LSST measurements are poor and that the LSST should not be used to identify people with and without shoulder dysfunction.

3. According to
Koslow PA et al (2003) scapular position was commonly asymmetrical in the asymptomatic subjects. These variances in scapular position suggest that asymmetry does not necessarily indicate a dysfunction. The results show that the LSST has low specificity and its use is not recommended for determining shoulder dysfunction in competitive athletes.


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