Kaltenborn’s Approach to Joint Play Testing

Key points

1. In contrast to Maitland, Kaltenborn developed his joint play testing with an emphasis on straight line, translatoric movement within a joint.

2. The use of CCR (concave convex rule) for joint play testing.

3. The examiner feels for abnormal resistance to motion with a particular emphasis on end-feel testing.

4. This testing is not truly oscillatory although it is often repeated several times using different speeds of movement.

Points to focus

• Bone rotation = Joint Roll-glide = Physiological movement
• Bone translation = Joint gliding, Traction, Compression = Joint play

Rotation = curved movement around an axis,
Translation = straight-line movement

Kaltenborn’s 3 Point Scale

Kaltenborn developed a 3 point scale to describe the amount of movement and perceived resistance during manual joint testing and treatment.

Slackness available can be referred as the mid point form feeling point of view. When slackness is taken-up stretching (Gr-III) starts. Before onset of the slackness there is cancellation of joint compressive forces i.e. muscle tension, cohesive forces, atmospheric pressure. Hence the exact amount of force required for cancellation of compressive forces before entering into the slack zone is called Gr I.

Excerpt of my manual therapy class 8.


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