Which is better for clinical application of posterior capsule stretch- The Sleeper stretch or the Cross body stretch?

Because of this recently expressed the belief that the sleeper stretch is better than the cross-body stretch to address glenohumeral posterior tightness because the scapula is stabilized McClure P et al compared changes in shoulder internal rotation range of motion (ROM), for 2 stretching exercises, the "cross-body stretch" and the "sleeper stretch," in individuals with posterior shoulder tightness. The sample consisted of 54 asymptomatic subjects (20 males, 34 females).
The groups:
1. The control group (n=24) consisted of subjects with a between-shoulder difference in internal rotation ROM of less than 10 degrees.
2. Experimental groups ware those subjects with more than a 10 degrees difference. 2 intervention groups are formed i.e. the sleeper stretch group (n=15) or the cross-body stretch group (n=15).
1. The cross-body stretch in individuals with limited shoulder internal rotation ROM appears to be more effective than no stretching in controls.
2. Improvement in internal rotation from the cross-body stretch was greater than for the sleeper stretch and of a magnitude that could be clinically significant.
1. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007 Mar;37(3):108-14.
2. J Athl Train. 2008 Jul-Aug;43(4):359-63.
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