endurance exercise induced LDL changes may not be there but what it revels?
Many exercise training studies have not reported significant changes in plasma LDL-C levels following training, a variable frequently used to estimate CVD risk. However, a lack of change in the concentration of LDL-C following endurance exercise training may mask potentially favorable changes in LDL composition and in the concentrations of LDL sub-fractions.
Indeed, Williams and his group have shown overweight men who exercised for one year (with or without diet), 25-50 min per session, 3-5 times per week reported:
1. increased LDL peak flotation rate,
2. as well as LDL peak particle diameter, and
3. decreased small LDL mass concentrations in plasma despite no change in mean plasma LDL-C concentration.
Hence lack of change in plasma LDL-C levels may not always adequately reflect changes in LDL concentration and distribution as exercise training may induce simultaneous changes in small LDL, large LDL and IDL-cholesterol levels.
Indeed, Williams and his group have shown overweight men who exercised for one year (with or without diet), 25-50 min per session, 3-5 times per week reported:
1. increased LDL peak flotation rate,
2. as well as LDL peak particle diameter, and
3. decreased small LDL mass concentrations in plasma despite no change in mean plasma LDL-C concentration.
Hence lack of change in plasma LDL-C levels may not always adequately reflect changes in LDL concentration and distribution as exercise training may induce simultaneous changes in small LDL, large LDL and IDL-cholesterol levels.
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