trigger points in head & neck: it's implication

Commonly designated idiopathic neck pain and some primary headaches (ie, tension-type headache or migraine) fit the descriptions of referred pain originating in muscle trigger points (TrPs).
Some authors found that both muscle TrPs in neck-shoulder muscles and cervical joint dysfunctions contribute at the same time to neck pain perception.
Several recent studies reported that both tension-type headache and migraine are associated with referred pain from TrPs in the suboccipital, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, temporalis, or superior oblique muscles.
Referred pain elicited by active TrPs mimics the pain areas observed during head pain attacks in these primary headaches.
Farnandez-De-Las- Penas C et al (2007) concluded in their of article that the pain profile of neck and head syndromes may be provoked referred pain from TrPs in the posterior cervical, head, and shoulder muscles.


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